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1 125 I...[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
2 125 I never forgot you, or the others.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
3 125 Then, why?[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
4 125 Because I wasn't me anymore.[XENO:n ] I wanted to call out, but I couldn't.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
5 125 What do you mean?[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
6 125 When it happened, when Colony 9 was[XENO:n ] attacked by the Mechon...[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]